NAD Bishop bids farewell to SYNOD
April 27, 2024

The Bishop of the Northern Accra Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana, The Rt. Rev. Prof. Joseph M.Y Edusa-Eyison, has bid farewell to the Sixth Synod of the Diocese held under the theme, “Discipleship: growing into Christian maturity”,.

In an moving address delivered at the Official Opening of the Synod held at the Ebenezer Cathedral, Madina, on 25th April, 2024, the Bishop expressed his gratitude to the Standing Committee and the Synod for the opportunity  to be the Chief Servant of the NAD over the last six years. He was thankful to the Lay chairman, Bro. Dr. Ken Sagoe, Synod Secretary, Very Rev. Andrew Mbeah-Baiden, Past Bishops currently serving in the diocese, the Past Lay Chairman, Bro. Nimo Ahenkora, chaipersons and members of the Coordinating Offices and Staff at the diocesan office for their immense support. “I do not take for granted the immense support I enjoyed serving with you. It has been an arduous assignment as pioneer diocesan bishop  for the past six years, but through it all, God has been faithful”, he said.

Touching on the theme, the Bishop emphasized that growing into Christian maturity implies that unity among believers is visibly and fully attained and that unity must be full faith in and knwoledge of the Son of God. Unity cannot grow without christian faith and understanding. Maturing in Christ involves both physical and spiritual fitness which results from feeding on God’s word, developing strength of character, by prayerfully persevering through the harrowing experiences of life, being sensitive  to and dealing with sin and expecting victory over temptation  because of the finished  work of Christ.

Bishop Edusa-Eyison highlighted some of the achievements of his tenure including recording a membership growth with a current Christian community of 42,555 compared to 31,956, in the preceeding year. The number of circuits have grown from 15 in 2019 to 19 in 2024. He mentioned the succesful celebration of the 5th anniversary of the Diocese which was interlaced with activities such as the lecture series, crusades, providing for widows, widowers and needy church workers in the Diocese, enterpreneural training for the young people etc. The Diocese has commenced the cosntruction of a three-storey office complex as a permanent office secretariat at the Mount Zion Society in the Kwabenya Circuit.

Among the dignitaries who graced the Synod were the Member of Parliament for the Madina Constituency, Hon. Francis Xavier Sosu, a Justice of the Supereme Court of Ghana, traditional authorities and other invited guests. The Administrative Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana, the Rt. Rev. Michael A. Bossman was also in attendance.

The Northern Accra Diocese is witnessing  an entire change in its executive leadership as the Synod prayerfully elects a new bishop, a new Lay Chairman, appoint a new synod Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.

Bishop Edusa-Eyison has meanwhile been nominated by the Methodist Church Ghana to serve on the World Methodist Council for the next Quinquennium from 2024 to 2030.