

A proposal to create a new Diocese within the Accra Diocese went to Conference through Notice of Motion.Conference referred the motion to Accra Diocese to look at it again and report back. The matter was remitted to the Circuits and Societies for study and the response was –

AGAINST – 18; FOR – 2; NEUTRAL – 1


Based on the response from the Circuits and Societies, Synod also voted massively against the division of the Accra Diocese into 2 and resolved to recommend to Conference the rejection of the idea of creating a new Diocese within Accra Diocese (Ref. page 20 of the Minutes of the Representative Session of Synod 2002).

July: GPC discussed the response of the Accra Synod alongside that of Winneba, Koforidua, Sunyani, Northern Ghana and Tema Dioceses and directed the Conference Office Task Force on the Creation of a new Diocese in Accra, Northern Ghana and Tema Dioceses again to further look into the responses so that a more acceptable report can be presented to the 40thConference.

GPC’s concern was that the Accra Diocese response creates the impression that the creation of a new Diocese was totally out of the question.

Following the meeting between the Task Force and Accra Diocese Standing Committee, the Synod Resolution to reject the creation of the new Diocese within Accra was reversed

Standing Committee did not go through the due process in changing the Synod decision, thus violating the provisions of S.O. 514(1) of the Methodist Constitution and Standing Orders.

The Diocese presented explanation that informed its decision and indicated that by the decision of the 41stSynod in 2002, the real intention of the Diocese was to mobilize its resources and resolved to develop the large under-developed areas in the Accra Diocese which is about 6 times larger than the developed part of Accra.

The Map of Accra was presented to inform Conference of the challenges facing the Diocese and it was in view of those challenges that Synod 2001 adopted the GA Mission Special Report (Ref. Agenda “R” 2001 pp GM17).

Standing Committee put in place a 7-member Committee that came with a Ten-year Development Plan (January 2003 to December 2013) as a blue print for the development of the Accra Diocese; short-term covering January 2003 to December 2005.


Synod decided to plead with Conference to extend the deadline from 2004 to 2007 in order to give the Diocese enough time to put the necessary structures in place (Vide Minutes of 42ndSynod 2003 pp28).

Synod directed Standing Committee to look at the Ten-Year Development Plan it adopted and to outline the plans towards the creation of the new Diocese.

Standing Committee met on 2 July and looked at the Ten-Year Development and realizing that the short-term plan from 2003 to 2006 was behind schedule, tasked a reconstituted Committee to double up to see to the implementation of the re-demarcation and the zoning of the Dioceses; Building of Office Complex for the Bishop of Accra; organization of comprehensive capacity Development programme/Policy to cover Ministers, Evangelists, Local Preachers, Counselors, Teachers and Class Leaders, Establishment of Preaching Bands for regular outreach programmes throughout the Diocese in line with MPRP; Creation of 6 Circuits with 4 in Ga Mission area; Purchase of vehicle for the incoming Bishop; Planning for the Inauguration of the new Diocese by October 2007.

Synod accordingly sent a Memorial to August Expanded GPC to plead for the postponement of the Creation of the new Diocese from 2004 (as determined by 2002 Conference) to 2007 in view of the unexpected developments in the Diocese.

That Memorial was sent to November GPC with a plea to Conference to review its decision on the Creation of the new Diocese in Accra in view of some infrastructural constraints facing the Diocese.

The Diocese made it clear to GPC that in spite of the constraints, the Diocese was making every effort necessary to ensure compliance with the Conference directive.


The Seven-member Committee submitted its Report to March GPC, indicating the developments since August 2002 GPC and what had been done by the Diocese including the relocation of the Accra Diocese Administration from Wesley Junior Secondary School, Accra to the Wesley Grammar Campus. The Report also indicated the progress of work towards the realization of the new Diocese.

The emphasis was at this time placed on the development of the GA Mission to enable it mature sufficiently to cope with the responsibilities for a new Diocese.

The Accra North Circuit (ANC) submitted a paper to the Diocese pointing out the inherent weaknesses in the approved proposals. The major weaknesses identified by ANC were the imbalances in the numerical strengths to be obtained in the first proposed demarcation and the splitting of certain Circuits in that proposal.

The Re-demarcation Committee considered the ANC paper and recommended that in order to ensure fair and equitable distribution of the Circuits to the two Dioceses, Societies, Societies should be used instead of Circuits.

The Re-demarcation Committee recommended that the Implementation Committee members should be inducted to carry out the following, among others: 0

  1. See to the implementation of Conference directives by 2007
  2. Educate the members of the various Societies on how the split will take place.
  3. Take closer look at the composition of the two Dioceses and recommend the way forward.
  4. Ensure the holding of the Trial Synod of Accra East before Expanded GPC in August 2005.
  5. Suggest strategies for the provision of necessary logistics for the Accra East Diocese.
  6. Work out the budget for the completion of the exercise.

Conference at Akyem Oda was informed of the formation of the Implementation Committee.

The Committee is to prepare an educational material in the form of handouts for the education of the Church members by the time of the Synod.

The Inauguration of the new Diocese is to come on in October 2008 and the Trial Synod in May 2007.

A Seed Fund of One Billion Cedis was to be raised within one year by the Diocesan Resource Mobilization Committee.

Conference was informed that Standing Committee was divided on the Seed Fund and the proposed dates for the Trial Synod and the Inauguration.

Conference after reviewing the report on the Creation of the new Diocese out of the Accra Diocese, noted the conflicting report which did not give a clear direction. Conference therefore agreed that Accra Diocese was prepared and committed to the plan as stated in the report to Conference but was facing several difficulties with it and therefore needed more time to enable them achieve the set target.

From the foregoing, it was evident that since 2001, not much has been done towards the Creation of the new Diocese within Accra Diocese. The discussions had reached a stalemate due to the following reasons, among others:-

  1. The Notice of Motion that prompted the issue of splitting Accra into two was no Properly channeled through a Leaders’ meeting to Quarterly meeting with a Memorial to Synod; hence the suspicion.
  2. Circuits and Societies voted massively against the Creation of a new Diocese within Accra Diocese. Many of the Church members therefore are not aware that this matter is pending.
  3. The reversal of Synod’s resolution to reject the Creation of a new Diocese by the Standing Committee was in violation of the Methodist Constitution and Standing Orders (S.O. 514(1).
  4. The matter of splitting Accra Diocese into two always met with protestation when Presented to Standing Committee and other for a because the members are not Happy with it. It is always referred to as a “thorny issue”.
  5. Ethnicity, suspicion, mistrust/destruct, lack of transparency and use of numerical Strength in decision-making.
  6. Members feel attention should be focussed on evangelizing and developing the Ga Mission in line with the Church’s vision of doubling our membership, rather than Creating new Diocese.

            This calls for sober reflection over the past events on this issue and to commit any further discussions to prayers; it is important for all and sundry, as members of the Methodist Family, to endeavour to reach compromise, promote unity and work as one body in Jesus Christ. Constitutional omission made should be regularized. A week of Prayer and Fasting should be declared in all Societies throughout the Diocese. Thereafter, members should continue praying for a lasting solution to be found for this issue.

            The Implementation Committee made a detailed study of the two proposals, i.e. East/West Divide and Ga Mission Diocese and submitted a detailed Report indicating the Merits and Demerits of the two proposals and as a Way Forward reiterated the need to ensure consensus and promote unity among the Methodist Community in Accra and devise a strategy to address the “thorny issue”.


            At the 46thAnnual Synod, the 2 proposals for the creation of a new Diocese in Accra namely East/West Divide and North/South Divide submitted by the Implementation Committee was studied and considering the merits and demerits for the 2 proposals, the weight of evidence was very much in favour of North/South Creation using the motor-way as the boundary. The Circuits in the North of the Motor-way N1 including Gbawe MacCarthy, Awoshie, Akweteman, Taifa, Madina, Adenta,

            Pokuase, Kojo-Ashong, Manheam and Amasaman.


            At the 48thSynod, the matter of the creation of a new Diocese in Accra was dissembled.


            The 49thSynod noted only the report of the Expansion of Accra Implementation Committee for funding of the expansion programme dubbed “The Accra Diocese Expansion Fund”.

            At the 6thBiennial/44thConference held at Cape Coast, Accra Diocese reported that its programme “to expand, develop and divide” the Diocese was on course. The programme dovetailed into the Diocese’s 10-Year Development Plan”.


            At the 51stAnnual Synod, the Committee’s report shifted emphasis from creation of a new Diocese in Accra to “Expand, Develop and Divide”.


            November GPC set up a 3-member Committee, comprising the Lay President, Bro. J.E.K. Pratt, Sefwi Bekwai Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Sampson Gyabeng, and the Lay Chairman of Effiduase Diocese, Sis. Mercy Amoa Wiafe, to find out the preparedness of some existing Dioceses, including Accra, for the creation of a new Dioceses. The Committee met with the Standing Committee and visited Calvary Society, Adabraka.

            At GPC, the 3-member Committee reported that they visited Calvary Methodist Church, Adabraka, which was the proposed seat of the Bishop and that Calvary has adequate infrastructure to accommodate the Bishop and Secretariat and from all indications the new Diocese can be inaugurated in 2015.

            The Very Rev. Titus Kofi Awotwi Pratt, now the Presiding Bishop of the Church, took over from The Rt. Rev. Tagoe as the Bishop of the Diocese assisted by Sis. Christiana Aku Odoi, the 4thLay Chairman and Solo Quaye Lartey, the 5thLay Chairman with the Very Rev’ds. Samson N.A.M. Laryea and Isaac Etuah-Jackson as Synod Secretary and Assistant Secretary, respectively. In the Bishop’s address, during the Pastoral Visit of the Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. (Prof.) Emmanuel K. Asante, promised to see to the creation of the new Diocese in Accra. The major concern was, however, the state of development of the Ga Mission. On reviewing what was on the ground, he noted the need to build appropriate infrastructure in that area to support the work. The Diocese, therefore, devised a scheme for supporting existing societies in the Ga Mission by zoning the Diocese into 8 zones with each zone consisting of 3 or 4 Circuits. Each group of Circuit is responsible for a zone of 7 or 8 rural Societies in the Ga Mission. That was to support the weaker Societies in that area.

            The Diocesan Office also drew up a plan for assisting with the acquisition of lands, renovation of Schools and Clinics etc. as well as resourcing Officers in the Ga Mission.


            Standing Committee appointed an Ad hoc Committee chaired by the Lay Chairman, Bro. Solo Quaye Lartey, to discuss the proposal for the creation of the new Diocese and to present their report to the February Standing Committee. The Committee presented their report which was extensively discussed and the North/South divide was accepted by all. The then Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Titus Kofi Awotwi Pratt, read a letter from the Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Prof. Emmanuel K. Asante, to Accra Diocese indicating that GPC is not asking for East/West division and that the division rests in the hands of Accra. He added that all GPC is demanding is that a new Diocese be created by 2015.

            Following the discussions, the Lay Chairman moved for the acceptance of the Adhoc Committee’s report to be adopted. The motion for acceptance of the Adhoc Committee’s report was seconded by Prof. A.C. Sackeyfio with amendments as follows:-

            “In the matter of the proposal to create a new Diocese in Accra and in view of the

            well considered debate of all the issues since the year 2000 up to date culminating

            in the submission and acceptance of the Report of the Committee set by the

            Standing Committee on 29thJanuary, 2014 let it be resolved and it is hereby resolved

            that in accepting to create a new Diocese in Accra the groupings of Circuits as

            presented in Appendix 3 of the said Report be adopted as a basis to the creation of

            the new Diocese in Accra.”

            Voting: Total number present – 69; For – 66; Against – 3; Neutral – Nil.

            Based on that decision, Bishop went ahead and conducted the election of the Bishop and Lay Chairman at the March Standing Committee and the names were presented to March GPC. GPC also nominated another 3 member who were added to the 3 from Accra and they were even interviewed.

            Standing Committee, seeking to comply with the directive to create the second Diocese in Accra by 2015, made proposals to March 2014 GPC that the demarcation for the new Diocese be along the North/South boundary using the N1 Highway as the boundary.

            Unfortunately, at the 53rdAnnual Synod held at Macedonia Methodist Chapel, Kwashieman, from 20thApril to 4thMay, 2014, the issue as decided by Standing Committee did not appear in the Synod Agenda but a motion relating to that subject came up on the floor of the Synod, which was met with a counter-motion, culminating in the appointment of a 19-member Committee to deal with the issues of the demarcation for the creation of a new Diocese per Rule 10 of the Synod Rules of Debate. The Committee was also to consider the motion and counter-motion with all the supporting arguments and documents and make recommendations to Synod. Synod, therefore deferred discussion on the issue to an Emergency Synod scheduled for 12thAugust 2014 to receive the Committee’s report.

            Before the Emergency Synod, some concerned Church members who do not represent any particular group of the Church but had gone in their own capacities to see the Presiding Bishop because they had some concerns they wanted to share with the Presiding Bishop. They went to let him know the thinking developing rather than to wait for things to develop, creating problems for the people of Accra, before letting him know. They briefed him on what transpired at the Synod with regards to creation of a new Diocese in Accra and the serious omission of not putting the Synod Agenda, an important decision taken by Standing Committee on the creation of the new Diocese in Accra. They reiterated the need to have consensus on the issue and to promote the good of the Church. At the time a group of members from the Calvary Society had also gone to brief him. He therefore convened a meeting with the 2 groups and thrashed out the issue and decided to attend the Emergency Synod to help resolve the issue. The Presiding Bishop called on the members not to create a situation that it is Fantis and Ga that are fighting. They should try not to allow that to happen. They should rather talk as Methodists. He said if Standing Committee had looked at the issue again and decided on North/South demarcation, he did not see why they have no right to change it. He, therefore, promised to attend the Emergency Synod to help resolve the issue.

            The Emergency Synod assembled at the Macedonia Methodist Chapel, Kwashieman Circuit on 12 August 2014 and the 19-member Committee set up by the Synod presented their report; after discussing the report, Synod accepted the North/South Division with a modification thatThe N1 should go through the Olusengun Obasanjo High street to the Liberation Road to form the Boundary between the Accra Diocese and the proposed new Diocese. The new Diocese is in the Northern part and the Accra Diocese in the Southern part of the Boundary.

            It was realized that there was the need to carry out education at the grass-roots levels to encourage the members of the Diocese to secure their commitment to the efforts of the Diocese to develop the weaker Societies as an essential part of the process to create the new Diocese out of Accra Diocese.

            Synod, therefore, decided to humbly request Conference to extend the period to 2016 instead of 2015.

            After the final determination of the boundary for the new Diocese in 2014, the way became clear for work to start on the creation of the new Diocese in Accra.


            On assumption of office as the new Bishop of Accra, The Rt. Rev. Samuel Kofi Osabutey, undertook to see to the creation of a new Diocese in Accra, in accordance with the handing-over notes received from his predecessor, The Rt. Rev. Titus Kofi Awotwi Pratt, who was assuming office as the new Presiding Bishop of The Methodist Church Ghana. As a new Bishop, he sought GPC approval to extend the deadline for the creation of the new Diocese to enable him see to the necessary preparations.


            The Bishop, on 22ndAugust, appointed a 6-member Committee, comprising the under-mentioned, to work on the creation of an additional Diocese within the Accra Diocese:-

            1. Very Rev. Kodwo Arko-Boham, Superintendent Minister – Chairman
            2. Very Rev. Isaac Akushie, Superintendent Minister – Member
            3. Bro. Anthony K. Abbam, Honorary Treasurer – Member
            1. Bro. Festus Odametey, Diocesan Development Officer (DDO) – Member
            2. Sis. Gladys Afarchoe Odoi, First Lay Chairman – Member
            3. Bro. Donald Danquah, Immediate Past DDO – Member/Secretary
            4. Bro. Solomon Quaye Lartey, Lay Chairman – Ex-Officio member

            The Committee was formally inaugurated on 30thAugust by the Bishop at the Diocesan Secretariat with the following terms of reference:-

            Terms of Reference

            1. To suggest a NAME for the new Diocese
            2. To see to it that the Administrative structures (Coordinating

            Offices/ Reporting lines) are put in place.

            1. To advise on the location of the Bishop’s Secretariat and Manse.
            2. To confirm the Circuit Boundaries (Changes in Status).

            The Committee started work immediately after its inauguration and agreed on how to carry out this important and urgent assignment.

            The Committee visited the following six selected Circuits and met with their Superintendent Ministers and Stewards to look at their facilities to ascertain where the Head of the new Diocese should be sited, considering their facilities, such as accommodation for the Bishop’s Manse and Secretariat:-

            1. Gbawe McCarthy Hill
            2. New Achimota
            3. Dzorwulu
            1. Airport East
            2. Madina
            3. Adenta

            The Committee also visited and met with the Superintendent Ministers, Circuit Ministers and the Stewards of the following Societies, which, by their location, will fall under the new Diocese:

            • Adjiringano Society under Accra North Circuit;
            • Christ The King Society under Kpeehe Circuit;
            • King of Glory under Abeka Circuit;
            • Mount Sinai under Kaneshie North Circuit;
            • Dunwell and Prince of Peace Societies under the Kwashieman Circuit;
            • Dunwell (at Santa Maria), Ascension, St. Paul and St. Andrew Nursery Societies all under Kwashieman Circuit.

            Circuit Boundaries/Maps

            The Committee obtained a Map of Accra Diocese with all the 29 Circuits and their Boundaries,

            generated by the Center for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Services (CERSGIS), Legon,

            using the existing Circuits’ Boundaries Map, as baseline information. The Boundary to be –

            The N1 through the Olusengun Obasanjo High street to the Liberation Road form the Boundary between the Accra Diocese and the proposed new Diocese. The new Diocese is in the Northern part and the Accra Diocese in the Southern part of the Boundary.

            Name of the New Diocese

            The Committee proposed the followingtwo names, for consideration by the Standing Committee:

            1. Northern Accra Diocese and Ga Diocese

            Administrative Structures and Circuit Advisory Teams

            With the exception of the New Achimota Circuit whose Coordinating Offices and the Circuits’ Advisory Teams were not in place, all the other five Circuits have their Administrative Structures and their Coordinating Officers in place and functioning. They provided copies of the list of the members of their Coordinating Offices and the Committee used the lists, as a guide, to nominate members to form the Diocesan Coordinating Offices/Advisory Teams for the new Diocese, for consideration and approval by Standing Committee.

            Observation and Findings

            The Committee observed that with the exception of the Madina Circuit that has adequate facilities to accommodate the Bishop’s Manse and Secretariat and their leadership were eager, prepared and ready to accommodate the new Diocese, the remaining Circuits visited do not have adequate facilities.

            There were some structural works to be done at the Madina Circuit to put in shape the proposed Bishop’s Manse and Secretariat; but they assured the Committee that they will assist the Diocese to facilitate the completion of those structural works. The construction works on their Chapel will be ready for the inauguration of the new Diocese in October, 2018.

            25thOctober 2016:The Standing Committee, at an Emergency meeting, considered the Report of the Committee on Creation of a New Diocese within Accra and voted on the following:-

            The Name of the Proposed New Diocese

            NORTHERN ACCRA DIOCESEwas chosen.

            Seventy-Five members voted – 59 voted for Northern Accra Diocese and 16 for Ga Diocese. There was no abstention and no reject ballot paper.

            Diocesan Head Circuit

            MADINA CIRCUITwas chosen as the Circuit Head.

            Seventy-Six members voted; YES – 70 and NO – 5; One reject ballot paper. No abstention.

            Proposed Re-Demarcation

            The N1 through the Olusengun Obasanjo High Street to the Liberation Road with the proposed new Diocese in the Northern part of the Boundary and the Accra Diocese in the Southern partwas accepted.

            Seventy-Six members voted; YES – 72 and NO – 4; No abstention and No reject ballot paper.

            Diocesan Advisory Teams

            At the said Emergency Standing Committee meeting, members were given the format for the Diocesan Advisory Teams for the proposed new Diocese and the Superintendent Ministers and the Circuit Stewards of the proposed new Diocese were mandated to identify and nominate members for the various Advisory teams.

            Re-Alignment of Societies that fall within the Proposed New Diocese

            Standing Committee approved the following re-alignment of Societies as proposed by the Committee:-

            1. Adjiringano Society of Accra North Circuit placed under Airport East Circuit
            2. Christ the King of Kpeehe Circuit placed under Akweteman Circuit.
            3. King of Glory of Abeka Circuit, Mount Sinai, Emmanuel, Bethel and Good Shepherd (Ablekuma) all of Kaneshie North Circuit and Prince of Peace Society of Kwashieman Circuit to form a new Circuit to be called Nii Boiman Circuit, but should, in the meantime, be placed under a Circuit in the new Diocese to go through the constitutional procedures before being recommended for change in status and/or proposals to alter their boundaries to become a new Circuit.
            1. Dunwell of Santa Maria, Ascension, St. Paul and St Andrew Nursery Societies all of Kwashieman Circuit to form a new Circuit to be called Kwashieman North Circuit but should, in the meantime, placed underAWOSHIECircuit in the new Diocese until they have gone through the constitutional procedure for recommendation for changes in status and /or proposals to alter their boundaries to become a new Circuit.
            2. Other Societies/Nursery Societies that fall within the new Diocese are:-.

            Ablekuma New Town under Freeman Society to be placed underAWOSHIE CIRCUIT

            New Weija of Dansoman Circuit to be placed underGBAWE MACCARTHYCircuit.

            1. The Sampaman Society ofGbawe McCarthyCircuit,which falls South of the new Diocese’s boundary placed under Bethel Section of the Dansoman Circuit.

            It was later observed that the following societies around Ngleshie Amanfro area, all under Mamprobi South Circuit that are part of Accra Diocese were not captured in the final report to the Standing Committee. Standing Committee attention was, therefore, drawn to them:-

            Northern Section

            1. Rev. DeGraft Johnson Memorial Society at Ngleshie, Amanfro
            2. Peace Town Society, Nursery Society of Rev. DeGraft Johnson Society. They have land but no chapel.
            3. Galilea Society
            4. American Farm Society, Nursery Society of Rev. DeGraft Johnson Society, Amanfro Down
            5. Ateah Society, Nursery Society of American Town Society
            6. Mandela Society, GICEL. They have no land and no chapel.
            7. Trinity Society @ RHS (Right-hand side) after Kasoa road Toll Booth. They are under Kaneshie North Circuit; they have no land and no chapel.

            The above 7 Societies to form a new Circuit with Rev. DeGraft Johnson Memorial as the Circuit head.

            South Section

            1. Official Town Society (LHS). They have chapel.
            2. Iron City Society (LHS)
            3. Kuwait Nursery Society (LHS). They have no chapel and no land.
            4. South-west McCarthy Hill (LHS), Tetegbu. They have land but no chapel.

            They are to join the Bethel Section, New Aplaku, when they obtain Circuit status. Meanwhile, they are to remain under Rev. DeGraft Johnson Section.

            15thNovember 2016:The proposed new Diocese, Northern Accra Diocese, held its first Standing Committee meeting at the Ebenezer Methodist Chapel, Madina. The meeting was chaired by the Bishop of Accra Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Samuel Kofi Osabutey assisted by the Lay Chairman, Bro. J.K. Addo. Present were Seventy-two (72) Lay and Clergy, representing the ten (10) Circuits forming the new Diocese. The members agreed that the Standing Committee of the new Diocese should be chaired by the Superintendent Minister of the Madina Circuit, the Very Rev. John Hammond. The following appointments were also made:-

            Acting Diocesan Honorary Treasurer – Sis. Constance Acheampong

            Acting Diocesan Administrator – Bro. Nimo Ahenkora

            Acting Diocesan Youth Organizer –

            Acting Diocesan Development Officer –

            At that meeting, members were given a list of Committees and they proposed names to form the Diocesan Implementation Committee and the Steering Committee with its Sub-Committees.


            The Bishop of Accra Diocese, The Rt. Rev. Samuel Kofi Osabutey, officially launched the Creation of the Northern Accra Diocese on 1stJanuary at the Ebenezer Methodist Society, Madina during the Covenant Service. An appeal for funds for the new Diocese yielded GH¢5,075.00. On the same day, the Bishop accompanied by the Lay Chairman, Bro. Joseph K. Addo, Chairman of the Madina Circuit Lay Movement Council, Bro. Senyo Adzei, Acting Diocesan Honorary Treasurer, Sis. Constance Acheampong and the Acting Diocesan Administrator, Bro. Nimo Ahenkora, visited the McCarthy Hill Circuit where an amount of GH¢2,355.00 was raised.

            The Bishop, on different dates, also visited other Circuits, namely Akweteman Circuit at Ebenezer Chapel, Awoshie Circuit at Emmaus Chapel, Airport East Circuit at Immanuel Chapel, New Achimota Circuit at St. John Chapel Dzorwulu Circuit at Bethany Chapel, and Adenta Circuit at Resurrection Chapel where funds were raised for the proposed new Diocese. An amount of GHS5,357.50 was raised at the New Achimota Circuit.

            The Planning and Steering Committee set to work immediately after its constitution and held various meetings to prepare for the inauguration of the proposed new Diocese in October, 2018.

            The Planning and Steering Committee of the proposed Northern Accra Diocese held its second meeting on 16thJanuary at the Ebenezer Society Conference room under the chairmanship of the Very Rev. John Hammond. The Inauguration Committee with its Sub-Committees were formed at this meeting as below:-

            Inauguration Committee

            1. Very Rev. John Appiah-Acheampong, Airport East Circuit – Convener
            2. Very Rev. E. Borlabi Bortey, Gbawe McCarthy Circuit – Member
            3. Rev. Nancy Adu-Boahene, Adenta Circuit – Member
            4. Bro. Louis Darko, Dzorwulu Circuit – Member
            5. Bro. Kingsley Oteng, Awoshie Circuit – Member
            6. Bro. Kofi Kwarteng, Akweteman Circuit – Member
            7. Bro. Nimo Ahinkorah, Airport East Circuit – Member
            8. Bro. Andrew Osei-Bonsu, Madina Circuit – Secretary

            Terms of Reference of the Inauguration Committee

            1. Planning arrangements for the inauguration of the New Diocese.
            2. Protocol arrangements
            • Put in place sub-committees for:
              1. Publicity and Publication
              2. Security and Parking
              3. Protocol
              4. Finance
              5. Hospitality
            1. Liaise with mother Diocese on all major issues pertaining to the inauguration
            2. Any other issue relating to the inauguration.

            Each Sub-Committee has a Chairman/Convenor appointed from the Inauguration Committee as below:

            Finance Bro. Louis Darko, Dzorwulu Circuit
            Publicity and Publication Bro. Nimo Ahinkorah, Airport East Circuit
            Protocol and Hospitality Rev. Nancy Adu-Boahene, Adenta Circuit
            Security and Parking Bro. Kingsley Oteng, Awoshie Circuit

            As part of the monitoring exercise, the Committee on the Creation of a new Diocese in Accra met with The Steering Committee at its February meeting at the Ebenezer Methodist Church, Madina. The Rt. Rev. Bosomtwi-Ayensu, Superintendent Minister of Dzorwulu Circuit, chaired the meeting in the absence of the Very Rev. John Hammond. The main Agenda for the meeting was to receive reports from the Inauguration Sub-committees, adopt an appropriate theme for the Trial Synod and to receive the progress of works towards the inauguration of the new Diocese. The final theme shall be presented to the Steering Committee’s meeting at its meeting on 2ndMarch 2017.

            The Standing Committee, at its meeting held on 28thMarch at the Rev. Ernest Bruce Memorial Methodist Chapel under the chairmanship of The Rt. Rev. Samuel Kofi Osabutey, the Trial Synod for the Northern Accra Diocese was scheduled for 19thto 20th& 23rd April 2017 at the Ebenezer Methodist Chapel, Madina. The venue was later changed to the Christ the King Methodist Chapel, East Legon, Accra.

            The First Trial Synod of the proposed Northern Accra Diocese was held from 19thto 20th& 23rdApril 2017 under the Theme:“Go and make Disciples of all Nations: Rekindling the Methodist Evangelical Heritage for Church Growth”.This Synod was hosted by the Madina Circuit at the Christ the King Methodist Chapel, East Legon, Accra. It was chaired by The Bishop of the Accra Diocese, The Rt. Rev. Samuel Kofi Osabutey, assisted by the Lay Chairman, Bro. Joseph K. Addo. Present were The Most Rev. Dr. Samuel K. Asante-Antwi, the last President of Conference/first Presiding Bishop of The Methodist Church Ghana and The Rt. Rev. Samuel K. Hodasi, the last Chairman/General Superintendent of the Accra District/first Bishop of the Accra Diocese under the administration both that the matter on the creation of the new Diocese was started. Also present was the Very Rev. Prof. Joshua Kudadjie, former Vice Principal of the Methodist University College Ghana; they are all residing within the area of the proposed Northern Accra Diocese.

            All ten Circuits were represented.

            On the second day of the Trial Synod, before Synod was officially opened, the Bishop, the Lay Chairman, Synod Secretary, Assistant Synod Secretary, members of the Committee for the Creation of a new Diocese, the Standing Committee and Organizational representatives met at the proposed site for the Bishop’s manse at 8.00 a.m. where a Sod-cutting for the commencement of the construction of the Bishop’s Manse was performed by the Accra Diocese Bishop assisted by some selected members by the Bishop.

            During the course of the Trial Synod, the DDO made presentation on the facilities required to accommodate the Bishop’s Manse and Secretariat, as well as other Diocesan projects in the Ga Sub-urban Circuit. In his presentations, he indicated that the 6-room self-contained accommodation acquired by the Madina Circuit, which was ear-marked for the Diocesan Secretariat, was re-designed to provide all the facilities required by the Northern Accra Diocesan Secretariat. Part of the available space at the compound has been designed to contain the two-storey Manse for the Bishop. He said the designs and the cost estimates for the Bishop’s manse had been prepared. The Contract for commencement of the construction works on the manse had been signed. Physical construction of the works on the manse had been started with profiling. The Secretariat’s design was still under review and being proposed to add another floor to make it a two storey building. It was estimated that construction works on both the Bishop’s Manse and the Secretariat will be completed for occupation by the end of September 2018.

            The Committee on Creation of a New Diocese in Accra, at their meeting on 27thOctober, in helping to present a Logo and the Cloth for the new Diocese, reviewed sample designs of Logo and cloth for the new Diocese, submitted by the Implementation Committee of the Northern Accra Diocese. Some observations were made and communicated to the Implementation Committee. The sample Logo and Cloth were submitted to Accra Diocese Standing Committee for consideration, review, and approval.

            Bishop advised against the Diocesan Cloth but decided that the sample designs of the Logo should be put on the WhatsApp for all members of the Standing Committee to have a look at them and send their inputs.

            In November, Standing Committee considered and approved one of the sample designs of the Logo, subject to amendment. The Implementation Committee was asked to have it finalized, taking into consideration the recommendations made by members.